Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tiger Finale Cancelled

The 2011 Tiger Finale has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Sorry for the inconvience. I apologize to all seniors who were looking for one more home meet. I appreciate all of your hard work and your dedication to our program over the years.

Those seniors include:
Zach Bertels
Michael Stubban
Charles Witzke
John Schoeberle

From the Post Seaston Roster:
Spencer Burkart
Steffan West
Brendan Colligan
Caden Cramsey
Austin Abegg
Joel Burroughs
Garrett Sweatt
Brianna Chamberlain
Courtney Lybarger
Lizzie Anderson

Meet t-shirts are available at a break even cost of $6.00 per shirt. See Coach P. for details.