Sunday, July 25, 2010

Updated host runs and schedule for July 26-30

Just a reminder, this week I will be on vacation with my family. Most of the days have host runs scheduled, so please continue running. Host runs will be supervised by parents, so don't hesitate attending. Here is the schedule:

Monday, July 26: Brendan Colligan at 136 Timbermill Lane in Edwardsville.

Tuesday, July 27: Alan Bonk at 328 Thomas Terrace on Dunlap Lake in Edwardsville.

Wednesday, July 28: Cross-country course.

July 29: Kyle Warnecke at 2 Equestrian Court, Glen Carbon, IL.

Friday, July 30: Marc and Kevin O'Brien at 659 Frederick, Edwardsville, IL.

Have a safe and fun time training.

--Coach P.

Mud Mountain Thank You

I wanted to thank everyone for their help and support of Mud Mountain XV. Because of you help, Mud Mountain was once again a huge success. This year we broke the 700 participant barrier for the first time in history. Thank you to all the runners who battled the heat and the course and all of the parents and athletes that helped to put on the race, along with our 2010 sponsers. Special thank yous to Tom Atwood, race director, and Dr. Hightower, official 2010 starter. As always, thank you for your support and dedication to the Edwardsville cross-country program.

--Coach P.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Information on the News Channel 5 promotion of Mud Mountain and information for Mud Mountain week

Our schedule for this week is going to be differnt than normal. Here it is:

Monday: 12:30 at the course. We will be running with Lockport and playing sand volleyball after. If you can not make this time, run on your own. No organized 6:30 practice.

Tuesday: Float Trip. If you are not attending the float trip, Mrs. Coach will be at the course at 6:00 p.m. with the girls if intersted in an organized practice.

Wednesday: Practice will be at the course at 9:00 a.m. Casey Joyce from News Channel 5 will be there to do a story on Mud Mountain. This will be a chance for you to get on T.V. and a chance to promote the race. Please be in attendance if possible.

Thursday: 5:00 a.m. at the shot for News Channel 5. How many people will be there? I hope at least 25!!!

Host Run at Lief and Brock Cameron's at 6:30 p.m.

Friday: Mud Mountain set up: No organized practice. You are more than welcome to help out at the course and run there.

Questions? Call Coach P at 567-5792.


--Coach P.